Always, Maybe, and Toggle

always, maybe, and toggle are functions exported from kremling to help you implement the className prop. They are how kremling helps you implement conditional css.

They are also exported in shorthand form: a, m, and t.

You can chain calls to always, maybe and toggle: always('foo').maybe('bar', isBar).toggle('class1', 'class2', showClass1).


import {always, a} from 'kremling'

<div className={always('hi')} />
// Shorthand
<div className={a('hi')} />

Accepts a string className and returns a string that can be chained with more calls to always, maybe, or toggle.


import {maybe, m} from 'kremling'

maybe(className, condition)
<div className={maybe('bye', isBye)} />
// Shorthand
<div className={m('bye', isBye)} />

Accepts a string className as the first argument, and a boolean condition as the second argument. Returns a string that will only have className in it if the condition is truthy.


import {toggle, t} from 'kremling'

toggle(truthyClass, falsyClass, condition)
<div className={toggle('visible', 'hidden', isVisible)}>
// Shorthand
<div className={t('visible', 'hidden', isVisible)}>

Returns a string that will have the truthyClass if condition is truthy, or the falsyClass if the condition is falsy.

How these functions work

Each of these function returns a javascript String object (sometimes called a "boxed String"). The String object has the always, maybe, and toggle methods on it, allowing you to chain calls: always('foo').maybe('bar', Chaining is the reason why we're using boxed strings -- you cannot add methods to primitive strings.

Boxed Strings for the className prop work in React, the DOM, and Enzyme. If you ever run into a situation where the boxed string is causing issues, you can always call .toString() to get a primitive string: maybe('hi', hi).toString().

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