Conditionally applying css

Sometimes we need to change which css we apply to a dom element, depending on the state of our application. For example, we might have a loading css class that we only apply to a div when we're waiting for some data.

In situations like that, kremling has some built in functions to make our code easy to write and to understand.


import {useCss, always, maybe} from 'kremling'

function LoadingData(props) {
  const scope = useCss(css)

  // We want the 'loading' css class to only be on the div when we're loading data.
  return (
    <div className={always("data").maybe("loading", props.isLoadingData)}>
      Your data.

const css = `
& .data {
  background-color: white;

& .loading {
  background-color: lightgray;

Now the background-color of our div will be white when there is data and light gray when we're waiting for data to load!

How this works

Check out the these docs for more detailed information on how this works.

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